Saturday, December 15, 2012


I am undergoing a whole lot of personal adjustments. It is turning out to be extremely hard for me. The past week has been jam packed with tons of crying and a little screaming, tons of frustration, yelling, and really nice tight hugs from my loving boyfriend who is being very patient and helpful even when he gets frustrated with me and loses it. I can say now more than ever, the phrase, "Communication is everything" has never rang more true for me. If we are mad, we talk... sad, we talk... happy, we talk... disappointed, we talk... bubbling with joy, we talk. How is the other going to know how you are feeling if you do not communicate those feelings forth to one another. My boyfriend irritates the ever loving piss out of me, but I love him so much because he speaks his truths. Speaking truth is one way to keep your power. I need someone that I can rely on to tell me truth regardless of if it hurts or not. He does that. He is learning to deal with me and I am learning to deal with him. It's all a learning process. A very odd one, but we are both learning just the same. I guess that's all I have to say for now. Good night. I thank the universe for bringing Derrick and myself together again after so many hundreds of years. Hail Divine Spirits!



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